Have you ever felt vulnerable as a practitioner? Which situations have you been in that have made you feel powerless? In this workshop we will look at what triggers vulnerability in a therapist and how our own feelings of inadequacy can be used creatively within the Therapeutic Relationship.
The Workshop will qualify for 6 hours of CPD.
The Workshop will cost £110, a deposit of £20 is required, and the balance must be paid 14 days before the event.
Please send deposit cheques to: Liz Kalinowska, Flat 8, 49 Barnes High Street, London SW13 9JY or ask for bank details for online transfers.
In the event of a workshop being cancelled by us, all deposits will be returned. 7 days notice is needed if you wish to cancel your place, or full fee may be retained unless the place can be filled.
Email liz@jointpractice.co.uk or call 07889 646843 for more information