The Mythology of Trauma
More and more of us are meeting trauma in our therapy rooms. In this 1 day workshop we will examine what happens where this triggers our own wounding and how our work as Craniosacral therapists may be affected. Our aim is to provide a new outlook on trauma work. Participants will go away with a fresh perspective on how they might integrate this into their work.
Using the ancient story of the Minotaur as a structure for the day, we will be offering a mixture of mythology, guided meditation and hands on work. The Myth of the Minotaur can be seen as a representation of trauma running through the generations. It encompasses hidden shame and a final redemption through the integration of both male and female energies.
Two 1 day workshops will be run for the CSTA by Liz Kalinowska and Daška Hatton and will cost £110 per person for CSTA members and £150 for non-members.
For booking this workshop please contact Susanne Wakefield at admin@craniosacral.co.uk.