Filtering by: Post Graduate Workshops
Return of our popular workshop . Asking the right questions in the right way is crucial and can help to uncover deeper layers within the client. As therapists we often find ourselves at a loss when confronted with our client's pain. They may have puzzling and confusing symptoms, and we can become as lost as they are in a maze of physical and emotional complaints. It can be extremely difficult for either of us to delve under the surface of many years of coping, armouring and outright denial. It is at this point that asking the right question may be the key to moving things forward. So what is this magical question that we can ask our clients to facilitate healing? When and how do we ask it?
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Sometimes we find ourselves with uncomfortable feelings towards a client, and wonder if we can work together at all. Occasionally a client will resist getting well. What does resistance feel like? How might we work with it in a session, how does it inform us, and how do we decide whether to push forward or hold back?
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Meeting our clients where they are is an art that grows with practice. It is crucial to the work we do, but can our expectations of each other sometimes be too high? What happens when we feel we aren't relating successfully to a client and what can we do to create a more balanced relationship?
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What personal gifts do we bring to our work as Therapists and what are the pitfalls we face? Can we look at ourselves objectively and find some answers? In this workshop we explore our strengths and shadows as practitioners, and how they might affect our work with clients. Can we continue to grow as therapists if we only listen to our clients’ stories and fail to listen to our own?
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The Role of the Therapist
Craniosacral Therapy uses stillness and deep, spacious listening to facilitate change. Listening to ourselves is also a fundamental part of the process. In the workshop we will explore the role of the therapist/ teacher through the use of led discussion and hands on practical work and examine what strengths we bring and what challenges we might face.
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What are your limitations as a practitioner?
Can we accept the fact that we don’t know, either as therapists or as clients? Our work demands acceptance not only of our strengths but also of our limitations and it may mean that we have to be content at times with an uncomfortable or unexpected version of ourselves. The therapist that we saw ourselves becoming at the beginning of our career, may have to mutate into someone more humble, who is content to be doing the best they can. Accepting that we can't change everybody's symptoms or lives for the better is hard, but necessary.
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The Healing Dialogue
Asking the right questions in the right way is crucial and can help to uncover deeper layers within the client. As therapists we often find ourselves at a loss when confronted with our client’s pain. They may have puzzling and confusing symptoms, and we can become as lost as they are in a maze of physical and emotional complaints.
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When we encounter a client who really touches us it can be so difficult to sit back without offering advice or opinions. In our work as therapists it is our job to help our clients take responsibility for themselves. We don’t offer our clients a quick fix or an instant cure, but more importantly a chance to gain a greater understanding of themselves from a different perspective; an opportunity to see where they have come from, and where they might go from here.
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